Las Vegas Speeding Tickets
1 – 10 mph over posted limit | 1 |
11 – 20 mph over posted limit | 2 |
21 – 30 mph over posted limit | 3 |
31 – 40 mph over posted limit | 4 |
41 mph or more over posted limit | 5 |
Do you have a Las Vegas speeding ticket? Even if the officer used radar, our firm can win over 90% of the time using our proven legal defense strategies – without you ever having to come to court! Our speeding ticket fees are usually priced lower than your speeding ticket fine so you save money, prevent point accumulation and insurance hikes, and you don’t waste time going to court or traffic school! We Win or It’s Free!* So don’t even think of paying that fine and pleading guilty!
The most common types of Las Vegas traffic tickets issued by peace officers are NV speeding tickets under NRS 484.361 to 484.375 . Speeding tickets in Las Vegas can cost you up to a thousand dollars in fines and fees, not to mention carrying up to five points that stay on your driving record with the DMV for a year or more! Don’t just give up and plead guilty – call Las Vegas Traffic Tickets for a free quote today and get that speeding ticket dismissed!